Online Dispute Resolution
Online Dispute Resolution, or ODR, refers to a broad set of technologies meant to either supplement or replace ways in which people have traditionally resolved their disputes. ODR shares and builds upon the foundational characteristics of alternative dispute resolution, or ADR, emphasizing easier and more efficient methods of addressing conflict.
What is Online Dispute Resolution?
civil unions & domestic partnerships
Online Dispute Resolution or popularly known as ODR is a type of dispute resolution that uses technology to help parties resolve their differences. e-Negotiation, e-Conciliation, e- Mediation, e-Arbitration, and hybrid mechanisms such as Medola, Mini trial, Med-Arb, Fast track arbitration, Neutral Listener Agreement, Rent a Judge, Concilio-Arbitration, etc are the most common methods used. It is a collection of technologies that serve to replace conventional methods of conflict resolution, with the main goal of enabling dispute resolution without the need for a physical gathering of parties. The incorporation of information and communication technology (ICT) tools into the conflict resolution process has enormous promise for overcoming the problems that courts and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) systems provide. The goal is to administer justice the most efficiently and cost-effectively possible.
“Liberty is the right to do what the law permits.”
Why choose online Dispute Resolution?
ODR allows for greater flexibility, more creative solutions, and a quicker decision-making process.
Domains that can use ODR as an alternative to
- Banking
- E-Commerce
- Insurance
- Family Disputes
What is the process of ODR?
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Filling out a Dispute Form and providing details
Fill out the LGL ODR registration form and tell us about your dispute. We’ll then ask/invite the opposing party to join/register, and we’ll designate a qualified neutral to assist you in reaching an acceptable agreement.
Expressing Claims and Settlement Offers
After the parties have been registered, they can submit their claims, settlement proposals, and counteroffers to the neutral. There will be a separate area set out for discussing possible settlement conditions.
Accepting the Terms of the Settlement
Once the parties have reached a mutual agreement on settlement terms with the aid of our neutral, the neutral will create the terms and submit them to both parties.
Enforceability of the Settlement Agreement
The settlement agreement will be enforced as a legal contract between the parties once it has been signed by both sides. Both the parties are liable to adhere to the settlement agreement.
we are part of the family. all the way through.
Documents and Information needed
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