Sports Agreement (15% off on Total Bill)

What are agreements in Sports Industry?

Sports Agreements are comparable to other types of contracts that we encounter in our daily lives; they are mutual agreements that legally bind two or more parties. In most cases, the contract in the sports business is between the sports organizations/sports agent and the player/athlete.

Business has become an integral part of the sports industry. With regards to organizing sports, commercial aspects in sports play a huge part which drives the sports industry and its popularity among people. With the involvement of high stakes, there comes a chance of higher risks as well and it is then when certain terms and conditions by way of a legal agreement have to be involved so as to protect the stakeholders and the players in the industry. Commercial endorsement deals, new ventures, media players like radio, television, licenses, sponsors, agency, etc. are a huge part of the sports industry today.

We, at LGL, offer a vast variety of Legal Agreements according to your needs and requirements, the following are some of the agreements we provide among others Standard Player Agreement, Endorsement Agreement, Player-Agent Agreement, or Standard Representation Agreement, etc.

Why agreements in Sports Industry Important?

Provides Clarity
A sports agreement will explicitly describes the rights and obligations of both the parties and how it is to be done, as well as the time period. This ensures that all parties have a clear understanding of their duties and obligations.
Minimizes Liabilities
A well-drafted sports agreement ensures that the rights of both parties are secured in case of breach by any of the parties to the agreement.
Financial Security
It defines the terms of payments and ensures that each party is remunerated for their established role under the agreement.

Documents /Details we need

Names and References
Details of both the agent/ agency/ sponsor and athlete including photographs and player history.
General Information
Details on rules & regulations, renewal, payments, royalties, sponsorship, revenue sharing, etc.
Scope of Services and Sponsorship
A brief on the scope of services, contact details, timelines, dispute resolution, etc. must be provided.

Important Clauses

Parties to the Agreement
This clause specifies the general details of the parties and their work profile.
Player Services Clause
This clause speaks about the complete established roles of the athletes to the agreement.
Player Obligations Clause
This clause outlines the contractual parties' responsibilities to one another. It clarifies the parties' rights, obligations, and responsibilities.
Revenue-Sharing and Bonus Clause
This clause outlines the information about the revenue sharing percentage and bonus based on their performance. It also specifies information regarding royalties, if any.
Arbitration Clause
This clause states that if a dispute, controversy, or claim develops, or if a dispute, controversy, or claim arises about a breach of contract, non-performance, or interpretation of the contract, the matter will be handled by an arbitrator at the request of either of the parties.
Stay and Travel Expenses Clause
This clause deals with the lodging, and travel expenses of the player. It states that all the costs mentioned above will be borne by the club or organization hiring the player.
No-Tampering Clause
A No-Tampering clause states that while the player is under an agreement with the club, the player cannot influence or attempt to influence another player or employee or any official for their personal benefits.
Confidentiality clause
Most contracts come with the confidentiality clause; certain things need to be confidential between the contracting parties only. Therefore, under this clause, contracting parties agree to keep the Contract’s contents and related matter confidential. This clause binds the parties to the Contract even after the termination of the Contract.
Termination Clause
A termination provision allows the contractual parties to end the sports contract at any time. It is usually predicated on the parties' failure to perform, a violation of any major condition, warranties, or express agreement.
Remedies Clause
Damages and Compensations with regards to any violation of the terms of the agreement are dealt under this clause. The parties agree to a set of remedies available with both the parties in the event of non-performance and violation of the agreement by either of the parties.

What's the process ?

1. Assessment
Our team will reach out to you to obtain the necessary information on the details of the issue pertaining to the nature of the sports agreement, the reason behind such agreement, the circumstances, remuneration, and all other necessary information.
3. First Ready Draft
We will complete the first draft of the Sports Agreement and email it to you for approval within 48/72 hours. Following approval, any necessary adjustments will be made and submitted to you on the agreed next date.
2. Due Diligence and Drafting
Once we receive the information, we will begin drafting the agreement, such as mentioning the reason for such an agreement, defining the terms and clauses, understanding the nature, and other relevant details as required by the party.
4. Final Agreement
With a high-quality team of professionals, the entire process of creating the draft and delivering the final copy of the Sports Agreement as per your needs will be accomplished in 72 working hours.
1. Assessment
Our team will reach out to you to obtain the necessary information on the details of the issue pertaining to the nature of the sports agreement, the reason behind such agreement, the circumstances, remuneration, and all other necessary information.
2. Due Diligence and Drafting
Once we receive the information, we will begin drafting the agreement, such as mentioning the reason for such an agreement, defining the terms and clauses, understanding the nature, and other relevant details as required by the party.
3. First Ready Draft
We will complete the first draft of the Sports Agreement and email it to you for approval within 48/72 hours. Following approval, any necessary adjustments will be made and submitted to you on the agreed next date.
4. Final Agreement
With a high-quality team of professionals, the entire process of creating the draft and delivering the final copy of the Sports Agreement as per your needs will be accomplished in 72 working hours.

Why choose us


A dedicated Case Manager ensures quick turnout to all your queries and tailored solutions that fit perfectly for your requirements.


All your drafting queries are addressed, understood, and delivered with quality under 72 Hours.


Our team of dynamic professionals is well experienced and extremely proficient to cater to your needs, ensuring the best service.


We are available to address and clarify all your queries round the clock. So you can worry less and focus more on the business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sports contracts in India are not controlled by any particular regulation, although the Indian Contract Act of 1872 covers the majority of the conditions. i.Contractual obligation between the sports players and the agency/organisation, ii. Anti doping policies, iii. Rights of the parties, iv. Conflicts between the parties, v. Broadcasting rights, etc.
i. Standard Player Contract, ii. Agency Agreement, iii. Indemnity Agreement, iv. Appearance Agreement, v. Representation Agreement, vi. Endorsement Agreement, etc.
i. Sports law and welfare Association of India ii. Youth Affairs and sports department iii. Sports Authority of India iv. National sports policy, 2001